A Strategic Approach That Delivers Strong ROI

Simply Put, We Are…

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The external funding competition is fierce, and only the most tailored, well-aligned proposals will win the award. That’s why we ground our work in comprehensive strategy.

Strategy First

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Too many grant writing firms think that any writer is a grant writer. We don’t. We hire professionals with proven experience in specific sectors, funding types, and federal agencies.

Domain Experts

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Our lean operation and network approach allow us to pass significant cost savings onto our clients, delivering higher-caliber service for a lower investment.

Value Beyond Cost

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We’re a team that dots every i and crosses every t. Our multistep process includes peer review, rubric scoring, and other internal checks to ensure that every proposal is written to our standard of excellence.

Rigor & Accountability

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With us, you’re guaranteed an on-time submission every time. And by “on time,” we really mean early. We’ll keep you updated throughout the process so you’re never left in the dark.

On-Time Submissions

A Comprehensive & Strategic Approach to Get You Funded

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We take the time to know our clients: their history, impact, successes, focus areas, and funding needs.


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We analyze all available funding opportunities to find those that are best aligned with your organization.


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We’ll outline a 6-12 month strategy, compiling grant funding opportunities which offer the greatest potential for success.


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We’ll pair you with a content- and agency-specific writer who knows how to tell your story and tailor your proposals.


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Our service extends beyond any single proposal. We’ll share insights around current funding opportunities, priorities, and trends.


Quality Is Evident in Every Service We provide

What We offer
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Grants Strategy

Whether you’re seeking a modest local grant or a multimillion-dollar capital campaign, our network can support you.

We’ll help you navigate the funding landscape, identify best-fit opportunities, and submit compelling proposals aligned to grantmakers’ priorities.

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Public Affairs

Our seasoned government relations experts offer a strategic blend of analysis, advocacy, and engagement.

Focus on your own priorities and constituencies while we work toward your desired policy outcomes and move the needle of public opinion.

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Grant Writing Courses

Want to build your organization’s internal grantseeking capacity?

Join a live cohort of our CFRE-eligible Grant Writing for Beginners Workshop Series, offered quarterly. If you prefer on-demand, purchase our course to watch at your own pace any time.